cutting edge plywood
Our high quality plywood panels are produced to individual order. We stock a wide range of domestic and exotic veneers in different thicknesses, both in their natural state and dyed. Therefore the final product can be varied endlessly according to the customer's needs. Our boards can serve the choicest taste or the toughest purpose.

multilayer & multicolour
The boards are made of veneer layers glued perpendicular atop each other, to make them less prone to warping; dimensionally stable; easy to machine and bend. Depending on the gluing, they can even be made waterproof or reinforced with composite materials (carbon, kevlar). In addition to European wood species, our offer includes veneers made from exotic varieties such as African samba, Japanese kiri or eucalyptus from Australia. These can range from 0.5 mm to 4.0 mm in thickness, and most are available in dyed versions.

multifunction & multipurpose
Our panels, manufactured to fit your ideas and needs, offer an aesthetic alternative to traditional plywood, chip boards and solid wood. They fit all environments where natural raw materials, outstanding quality and a unique visual experience are important. Use them for outdoor and indoor furniture, as interior design elements, sheeting panels, utility objects, toys, sound equipment, musical instruments, and artwork.

a long story...
As a family business with decades of experience and background in table tennis blade manufacturing, we started experimenting with making and using custom plywood a few years ago. In addition to domestic suppliers, we have a long history of cooperation with an Italian veneer company. The plywood is made in Hungary by employing local specialists. Our company is 100% family owned.

keep in touch!
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Photo (except where noted) ©Tóth Milán